fredag 30 mars 2012

Orchids from Karge/Germany

Hi all
I am now selling plants from Karge in Germany.
You can find the list here:
Or on my home page. Later on this spring I am going to be able to sell to all over Europe.

In May/June I will get about 150 beautiful Vandas for sale so Keep an eye on

söndag 25 mars 2012

Vanda Arjuna

This is a cross of Mimi Palmer and tessellata. So there is a lot of tessellata in it since Mimi Palmer also has tessellata as a direct parent.

The picture was taken with Sony Nex-5 35mm macro lens.

tisdag 13 mars 2012

Two Blues

Here are two blue favorite Vandas.

The Vanda Tristar Blue

and the Vanda Kapiolani