lördag 20 augusti 2011

Fungucid side effects

Nothing much new in the green house. A lot of spikes on the way but nearly all old flowers/seed pods are damaged by the Fungucid.

Vanda ustii is losing it's color.

All pods are getting brown/black. But the fungucid seems to be effective! :-)

måndag 15 augusti 2011

Karges plants for sale in Sweden

Today I start to sell plants from Karge orchideen i Dahlenburg/Germany. For starters it is just Swedish costumers that can order. You can find the plant list on: http://www.ljunggrens.org/

Vanda ustii

Vanda ustii from the Philippines. A lovely flower with a nice sent.
My Euanthe sanderiana is opening it's flowers. This is a new plant that I got from Chao Praya Orchids last year.

Ascocenda Motes Burning Sands is probably one of the best Ascocendas with it's flat flowers that is sitting cylindrical all around the steam.

My favorite Renanthera, citrina!

Here is a pollinated Vanda coerulea f. delicata that lost it's color when pollinated just like the normal form losses it's blue color.

tisdag 9 augusti 2011

Vandachostylis Thailand

Here is a nice primary hybrid with Vanda coerulea x Rhynchostylis coelestis. The sent is just like coelestis. I am continuing with the spraying for fungus and in a couple of weeks I think it will be stable.

Here is a self pollinated Vanda testacea.

Today it has been pollination day.
A few new crossed and some selfings.

Vanda Mimi Palmer x coerulea = Vanda Johanna Ljunggren. I am trying to make this cross with the delicata form of coerulea.

Here is the Vanda Johanna Ljunggren with the normal form of coerulea used. I hope for something similar but in a pink color.

Renanthera monachica x Ascocentrum garayi
This is a new cross that is not registered. This could be a nice hybrid.

Today's crosses:
Vanda coerulea f. delicata x Vanda Mimi Palmer (Johanna Ljunggren)
Vanda Mimi Palmer x Vanda coerulea f. delicata
Renanthera monachica x Ascocentrum garayi
Ascocentrum garayi x monachica
Vanda Mimi Palmer x self
Vascostylis Crownfox Magic x self
Vanda Tilda Ljunggren x self

måndag 8 augusti 2011

Summer meeting in Helsingborg/Sweden

This weekend our orchid society held our annual summer meeting at VälaPlantor in Helsingborg/Sweden. It's a weekend of orchids and new and old acquaintances. Lots of orchid talk and many plants got a new home.

The best plant during the judging event was an Angraecum distichum that got a silver medal for both culture and flower.

Here is a short film from the meeting.
You can find more pictures on the following link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tommyljunggren/sets/72157627260146423/

onsdag 3 augusti 2011

måndag 1 augusti 2011

Seedling day

Today it has been seedling day. Got a package this morning with some delights for Vanda lovers. Vanda coerulea f. luwangalba, Vanda coerulea f. delicata, Euanthe sanderiana f. albata and a rare Vanda coerulescens with pink flower and some more. How is that for a treat?

If they develop as I hope some of them will be for sale next spring.

The Vanda Mimi Palmer has opened its flowers and the sent is lovely! :-)

My huge Vanda Manuel Torres is opening it's flowers. They usually reach 14 cm.