tisdag 27 december 2011

Dendrobium Nora Tokunaga

No a Vanda but a beauty!

This primary hybrid between atroviolaceum and rhodostictum, flowers for 2-5 months at the time.

tisdag 20 december 2011

Vanda insignis

Blume, Rumphia (1849)

ORIGIN/HABITAT: Indonesia and Timor. Plants are found at low altitude with little shade.

LIGHT: 37450-53500 lux (3500-5000 fc). Plants require bright light but may need some protection from direct midday sun. In the habitat there are heavy clouds that reduce the light. Some midday shading is appropriate for cultivated plants, especially in summer. Strong, continuous air movement makes healthier plants.

TEMPERATURES: The temperature is hot all year, 27-31C during the days, and nights average 23-24C.

HUMIDITY: 80-85% throughout the year.

WATER: Rainfall is moderate to heavy all year, but conditions are slightly drier in late spring and summer. Cultivated plants should be watered heavily while actively growing, but the roots should be able to dry fairly rapidly after watering.

FERTILIZER: Use 20-20-20 or 15-5-15 CAlMag. Recommended strength is 13ml / 10 liters of water, applied weekly when plants are actively growing. I use 1ml / 2 liter of water at every watering when plants are actively growing.

LEAVES: Up to 30 cm long an 2.5 cm wide.

INFLORESCENCE: 15-30 cm long.

FLOWERS: 4-7 per inflorescence. Flowers are waxy, long-lasting, strongly fragrant, and is 5.0-6.5 cm across and 5.0 cm high.

söndag 11 december 2011

Orchids in Singapore

Some shoots from Singapore. A bit shaky and unfocused at times so bare with me I am just learning. :-)

torsdag 1 december 2011

Vanda frankieana, a new old species

It took approximately 140 years to describe this new species. Already in 1866 this new Vanda species was found and was to be named Vanda crassiloba. But the species was never described. Over the years, various researchers have begun to describe the species but this work has not been completed.

The researcher Destario Metusala from the Indonesian Institute of Science and orchid expert Peter O'Byrne from Singapore has now taken hold of this species. As the name Vanda crassiloba was never registered they decided to rename the species to Vanda frankieana as a tribute to Frankie Handoyo to promote his work on conservation and cultivation of orchids.

Vanda frankieana grows in Kalimantan on Borneo. The species bears 1-5 stiff, waxy flowers on a short inflorescent. The flowers are 3.8 to 4.4 cm wide and 3.6 to 4.2 cm high and the color is bright yellow with red-brown spots and a white lip. The species grows slowly and is approximately 50 cm high when it is fully grown. The species was found flowering from November to March.

Many thanks to Frankie Handoyo for letting me use his pictures!

The species was described in the Malesian Orchid Journal Volume 9 2012.

fredag 25 november 2011

Renanthera species and hybrids

Renanthera Manila

The genus Renanthera currently consists of 22 species and is closely related to Arachnis and Vandopsis with its climbing growth habit in which roots grow along the stem. Some of the species producing the coolest inflorescences in the orchid world filled with small to medium sized flowers in red to orange. The size of the plants varies from approximately 50cm (e.g. monachica) ​​and up to 4 meters (e.g. storiei).

There grows a lot of Renanthera in Singapore, mainly hybrids with Renanthera philippinensis and storiei. These two species are warm growing and want to have lots of light and heat. The most common hybrids in Singapore are Kalsom, Singaporeans, Manila and Fire Coral. In conjunction with the World Expo had a new Renanthera hybrid created and named Renanthera 20th WOC Singapore 2011th I managed to buy two plants of this hybrid that hopefully will give lots of flowers in the coming years.

In this climate Renanthera are often used as border plants where it can grow in full sun along with other plants from the family returned.

Renanthera Kalsom


If you can grow Phalaenopsis and you have a window over which faces the south or southwest, you can try a warm growing Renanthera. A sunny window with a fan that keeps the air in motion it is all it takes to succeed. Then of course it helps to if you have a passion too!


Most species and hybrids are warm growing in. Some species such as citrina and vietnamensis are exposed to freezing temperatures in the wild but they will also bloom at higher temperatures. If you can keep the temperature between 15-30 degrees plants from this genus will do well.


In the wild, most species grow very light and sometimes in full sun, or about 4000-5000 fc: 43-53000 lux. Plants from this genus is very adaptable and will usually flower well after a year or so if you can give them the brightest window in winter and a shaded south-west window in summer. During the hottest summer months, plants are preferably grown outdoors. Plants are gradually moved more and more light.

Renanthera 20th WOC Singapore 2011


During the summer months, from March to September, water the plants daily if they have the roots hanging freely. The other part of the year, every two to three days. If the plants are planted in pots with some form of compost watered them about 2 times a week in summer and about: a once a week in winter. Put a finger into the compost for knowing the roots to dry up between watering’s. The roots of Renanthera and Vanda have to dry out between watering’s, so they feel dry on the surface, otherwise hit them easily by rot.


The genus is fertilized with the advantage at every watering or once a week throughout the summer. The recommended dose of fertilizer is 1ml per two liters of water at each watering or 1.3 ml per liter of water once a week. During the winter months it is sufficient to fertilize when the sun is shining or every two to three weeks. Fertilizers that can be recommended are 20-20-20 or 15-5-15 CalMag.


Since most species and hybrids produce large plants it is easiest to grow them in clay pots. As planting material one can use rough bark, charcoal, lava rock or Styrofoam chips. It is important to ensure that the plant is stuck in the pot to prevent it from swaying. The risk is otherwise great that you would damage the roots so that they stop growing with the result that the plant is not growing.

onsdag 23 november 2011

Vanda Miss Joaquim

Vanda Miss Joaquim, the national flower of Singapore. This is one of few orchid hybrids that has been chosen national flower. The parents are not native to Singapore either, they was first planted in a garden owned by Miss Agnes Joaquim.

The parents Vanda hookeriana and Vanda teres made this natural hybrid that has been a on the market since early 1900.

onsdag 9 november 2011

Kuala Lumpur

Here is a fine cross of Mimi Palmer x luzonica that i found at the Orchid Garden in Kuala Lumpur. More pics here.

fredag 9 september 2011

Vanda ustii again

Hi all

It has been a while since I wrote some thing.
Not many plants in bloom do to the funguside spraying. Not many spikes that are un harmed.

But it will pass and soon there will be many flowers again!
My Vanda ustii is has sent out a new spike!.

Here is a pictur of my Bulbophyllum Hans' Delight putidum x cruentum that is flowering now.

lördag 20 augusti 2011

Fungucid side effects

Nothing much new in the green house. A lot of spikes on the way but nearly all old flowers/seed pods are damaged by the Fungucid.

Vanda ustii is losing it's color.

All pods are getting brown/black. But the fungucid seems to be effective! :-)

måndag 15 augusti 2011

Karges plants for sale in Sweden

Today I start to sell plants from Karge orchideen i Dahlenburg/Germany. For starters it is just Swedish costumers that can order. You can find the plant list on: http://www.ljunggrens.org/

Vanda ustii

Vanda ustii from the Philippines. A lovely flower with a nice sent.
My Euanthe sanderiana is opening it's flowers. This is a new plant that I got from Chao Praya Orchids last year.

Ascocenda Motes Burning Sands is probably one of the best Ascocendas with it's flat flowers that is sitting cylindrical all around the steam.

My favorite Renanthera, citrina!

Here is a pollinated Vanda coerulea f. delicata that lost it's color when pollinated just like the normal form losses it's blue color.

tisdag 9 augusti 2011

Vandachostylis Thailand

Here is a nice primary hybrid with Vanda coerulea x Rhynchostylis coelestis. The sent is just like coelestis. I am continuing with the spraying for fungus and in a couple of weeks I think it will be stable.

Here is a self pollinated Vanda testacea.

Today it has been pollination day.
A few new crossed and some selfings.

Vanda Mimi Palmer x coerulea = Vanda Johanna Ljunggren. I am trying to make this cross with the delicata form of coerulea.

Here is the Vanda Johanna Ljunggren with the normal form of coerulea used. I hope for something similar but in a pink color.

Renanthera monachica x Ascocentrum garayi
This is a new cross that is not registered. This could be a nice hybrid.

Today's crosses:
Vanda coerulea f. delicata x Vanda Mimi Palmer (Johanna Ljunggren)
Vanda Mimi Palmer x Vanda coerulea f. delicata
Renanthera monachica x Ascocentrum garayi
Ascocentrum garayi x monachica
Vanda Mimi Palmer x self
Vascostylis Crownfox Magic x self
Vanda Tilda Ljunggren x self

måndag 8 augusti 2011

Summer meeting in Helsingborg/Sweden

This weekend our orchid society held our annual summer meeting at VälaPlantor in Helsingborg/Sweden. It's a weekend of orchids and new and old acquaintances. Lots of orchid talk and many plants got a new home.

The best plant during the judging event was an Angraecum distichum that got a silver medal for both culture and flower.

Here is a short film from the meeting.
You can find more pictures on the following link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tommyljunggren/sets/72157627260146423/

onsdag 3 augusti 2011

måndag 1 augusti 2011

Seedling day

Today it has been seedling day. Got a package this morning with some delights for Vanda lovers. Vanda coerulea f. luwangalba, Vanda coerulea f. delicata, Euanthe sanderiana f. albata and a rare Vanda coerulescens with pink flower and some more. How is that for a treat?

If they develop as I hope some of them will be for sale next spring.

The Vanda Mimi Palmer has opened its flowers and the sent is lovely! :-)

My huge Vanda Manuel Torres is opening it's flowers. They usually reach 14 cm.

söndag 31 juli 2011

Vanda Tilda Ljunggren

Vanda Tilda Ljunggren named after my beautiful daughter Tilda.

Vanda Gordon Dillon in full bloom.

Second spike of Mokara Walter Oumae opening.

Vanda coerulea f. delicata is still in flower.

Another mounted Ascocentrum garayi.

A look at Vascostylis Crownfox Magic.

lördag 30 juli 2011

Vanda Mimi Palmer

Vanda Mimi Palmer, a cross of Vanda Tan Chay Yan x tessellata. It has a spicy sent that fills the greenhouse.

Nearly all flowers on this Ascocentrum garayi are open. It's a reliable bloomer that usually blooms twice a year.

A slow growing Renanthera named monachica with branching spikes.

Last but not least, Rhynchostylis coelestis.

lördag 23 juli 2011

Vanda Gordon Dillon

Despite everything that has happened there are some thinks to be glad about.
Many plants are getting ready to bloom. Here is one of my favorites, Vanda Gordon Dillon just opening it's flowers. This is a jewel in my collection.

Another one is this Vanda insignis that is flowering for the first time. This plant had to be cut so it only has three flowers now.

This multi-cross, Darwinara Charm flowers two time a year.

In another week another favorite is opening it's flowers, namely Vascostylis Crownfox Magic. This exquisite two colored hybrid from RF-Orchids.

In a couple of weeks I am getting flasks of some very rare Vandas. If everything is fine I will order some more for sale.

söndag 17 juli 2011

Mokara Walter Oumae

A lot of rain today and cold winds. It doesn't feel like summer at all. My Mokara Walter Oumae is soon in full flower. Here is a picture of one of the spikes. This one doesn't seem to need extra light like other Mokaras to bloom.

I hope that this Vanda Golamco's Blue Magic stays fresh until our summer meeting first week in August. It is the best one that I got.

My Ascocentrum garayi is coming with seven spikes. MMmmmmm, me like a lot!

Seed pods showing on Ascocentrum curvifolium.